Extra informatie

Artikels Willem Raat, Miek Smeets of Bert Vaes

Willem Raat: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Wr2hrJgAAAAJ&hl=nl

Bert Vaes: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ZvUmfi8AAAAJ&hl=nl&oi=sra

Miek Smeets: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Miek-Smeets

h49-05-06-Tien basisregels bij hartfalen.pdf
h49-05-07-Zorgpad hartfalen.pdf
h49-05-08-Vlaams Netwerk Hartfalen.pdf
GPs judgement of CHF Int J Cardiol M Smeets.pdf
BMC HealthServices Research_GPsperceptions.pdf
PDF Diagnostic rules and algorithms for the diagnosis of non-acute HF.pdf

Zorgprotocol zorgprogramma hartfalen

Zorgprogramma HF pdf